By – Laws – Revised Version 4.0 1/5/2022 Last Version 3.0 11/15/2016
The name of this organization shall be the Achasta Golf Club Men’s Golf Association (AGCMGA). AGCMGA will be represented in all matters by the AGCMGA Committee (the Committee).
The Achasta Golf Club Men’s Golf Association shall, on behalf of the Achasta Golf Club Golf Committee, promote Golf and Social activities among the members of Achasta Golf Club, while embracing the ideals, principles, and rules of the United States Golf Association (USGA).
Membership is available to the following individuals for calendar year 2022:
- All Golf and Social Dues paying members in good standing with the Achasta Golf Club;
- Past AGCMGA members, in good standing with the Achasta Golf Club
Members must be at least 21 years of age, be current with payment of AGCMGA dues and maintain their current handicap through the GHIN system as maintained by Achasta and or each individual as reviewed/approved by the Achasta Golf Handicap Committee’s oversight.
Annual membership dues will be assessed to cover AGCMGA expenses. The cost of annual dues will be determined by the board at the first meeting of each calendar year. Each AGCMGA tournament event will have an entry fee established by the Committee in consultation with the Head Golf Professional of the Achasta Golf Club to cover prizes, food and drinks. Other Golf Fees are separate i.e., Carts and Tee fees when applicable.
The purpose of the Committee shall be to represent the membership in golf matters with the Management of Achasta Golf Club and the Achasta Golf Committee, to encourage active participation in golf tournaments conducted in accordance with the USGA rules of golf with the aid of the specific input of the Head Golf Professional and the Tournament Director. The Chairman (President) will be a member of the Achasta Golf Club Golf Committee which has an advisory role to Achasta Management.
The Committee will support the code of ethics established by Achasta Golf Club published in its membership guidelines.
Section 1. Number and Term
The Committee will consist of 8 members (5 elected Executive Officers, the Head Golf Professional and the Achasta G.M. or their designee) and at least One Member at Large. The elected committee term will begin on January 1st of the year following the annual election.
Section 2. Nomination and Election.
Any AGCMGA member, in good standing, may be a candidate for the Committee. Committee candidates will be sought by notices posted in the Club, through personal contact and Nominating Committee e-mailings to the membership within 30 days of the election. Any prospective candidates should notify a member of the Nominating Committee that they wish to be a candidate in the next election. The election will be conducted by a vote of the AGCMGA membership at the annual meeting as set by the Committee. Any AGCMGA member, in good standing, not present at the membership meeting, may vote prior to the Committee meeting by submitting an absentee ballot to the Head Golf Professional, not later than 12 hours before the start of election/annual meeting.
A notice announcing the election of new officers should be posted within 24 hours of the election. The candidate(s) with the next highest vote shall be considered an alternate to serve if any opening occurs prior to the next election.
If a committee member leaves the committee for any reason, the remaining members will appoint a replacement. For the purpose of proposing a slate of candidates for the Committee, the Committee Chairperson will appoint a member of the Committee to Chair the nominating process to accept candidates who wish to be considered for Committee membership. The general membership will also be able to add write-in candidates during the election process on the election ballot form. The annual meeting will be scheduled at the end of the calendar year as determined by the Committee.
Section 3. Executive Officers
The Executive officers shall be the Committee Chairman (President), Vice Chairman (Vice President), Secretary/Treasurer, Tournament Director, and Communications Director.
Section 4. Attendance Expectations
Each Committee member is expected to attend every Committee meeting. If a meeting utilizes web meeting options (e.g., Zoom), a member may participate remotely and be considered “present” and able to vote on any voting matters. In the event of an unavoidable absence, the Committee Chairman should be notified by the member in advance of the meeting. A Committee member realizing that he will be unable to regularly attend the meetings shall offer his resignation as soon as possible. In the event of 3 or more absences within 12 consecutive months, the member may be dismissed and may be replaced by an alternate member unless the offending committee member provides notice of his ongoing intentions, and such notice is accepted by vote of the Committee. The Committee may elect the alternate member at the time of the 3rd missed meeting or anytime thereafter.
Section 5. Committee Focus (?)The Committee will focus its attention on golfing related matters that can generally be placed in the following categories;
Develop a slate of tournaments that are well attended and viewed as added value to the overall golf experience of the members.
Represent members’ input, recommendations and issues to Management and the Achasta Golf Club Golf Committee. Share AGCMGA information with its members.
Section 6. Selected Assignments
Committee Chairman (President) - A committee member shall be elected to serve a one-year term Chairperson to the AGCMGA Committee. This member shall schedule and preside at all meetings of the Committee. This person will also serve for one-year as a member of the Achasta Golf Club Golf Committee.
Committee Vice Chairman (Vice President)– A committee member shall be elected to serve a one-year term as Vice Chairman to the AGCMGA Committee. This member shall preside at any meeting where the Chairman is unable to attend.
Committee Secretary/Treasurer – A committee member shall be elected to serve a one-year term as Secretary/Treasurer to the AGCMGA Committee. This member is responsible for the AGCMGA finances and official meeting recording duties as set by the Committee.
Tournament Director - A committee member shall be elected to serve a one-year term as Chairman of the Tournament Committee as required by the AGCMGA. The Committee Chairman shall be responsible for appointing the committee members
Communications Director – Committee member will be elected to serve as Chairman for this activity as set by the Committee. Elected Member will either act as or work with the MGA Web Master.
Head Golf Professional and/or General Manager shall represent Achasta Management at all meetings of the Committee.
Term of Selected Assignments
Chair positions may exist for anywhere from a single meeting up through the next election at the discretion of the Committee. All selected assignments will be filled by vote of the Committee.
Section 7. Subcommittees
A basic premise of forming the Achasta Golf Club Men’s Golf Association was that the Committee would generally perform all the duties of AGCMG. Any consideration to form a subcommittee should include consultation with the Executive Committee . Any such subcommittee formed would be formed to perform a specific task and then be disbanded at the completion of that task. Nonetheless, the Committee Chairman shall be responsible for appointing the subcommittee members.
Section 8. Voting Process
Only Executive Committee members and appointed replacements, and not the Member At-Large, are entitled to vote on matters before the Committee.
When a vote is taken, each member attending the meeting (either in person or remotely through web meeting capabilities, if available) is entitled to one vote or may abstain. An absent member may cast an absentee vote, so long as their vote is delivered to and by a time specified by the Chairman. It is the absent member’s responsibility to identify the vote topics and to communicate his vote to the AGCMGA Chairperson.
Each member is entitled to vote without declaring his preference to his peers.
The vote will be decided by a majority of the members casting a vote. The management members (Head Golf Professional or General Manager) shall not vote and the At-Large Member may cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie.
Section 9. Member Proposal Process
Any member who wishes to present a question or proposal to the Committee for its review shall contact the AGCMGA Committee Chairman and present the question or proposal in writing for consideration at the next scheduled meeting of the Executive Committee.
Parliamentary authority of the AGCMGA shall be Robert’s Rules of Order.
The Committee may amend the By-Laws. The recommended process is that the specific changes be proposed at one meeting and that a formal vote be taken by the Committee at a subsequent meeting. It is expected that a vote of the full Membership will be taken once the Committee has approved the amended By-Laws. It is the MGA Presidents sole discretion as to whether the amended By-Laws are presented for “full” adoption” or each amendment/modification or series of modifications are submitted for full Membership vote. Any amendment must be approved by a majority vote of the AGCMGA members.
The following represents the focus areas of Committee.
ACHASTA GOLF CLUB TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE (which includes the Tournament Director and any assigned committee members)
The Tournament Committee will develop a tournament schedule that will provide the membership with a diverse opportunity to participate in a competitive environment, recognizing the various skill levels of the membership.
· Make tournaments fun, equitable, and competitive for all members
· Plan an advance schedule of events to be approved by the AGCMGA Executive Committee at the beginning of each season.
· Schedule of dates must be presented to the Achasta Golf Club Golf Committee for final approval
· Any change in a scheduled tournament date must be submitted to the Executive Committee and the Head Golf Professional for approval. The Head Golf Professional reserve final approval on change of dates.
· The Tournament Director and his Committee shall plan format, food, entry fee, prizes, etc.
· Flight events and award Gross and Net Prizes if possible to provide equal opportunity to all levels of golfers to participate in awarding of prizes and to promote greater participation.
· Publicize, promote, provide multiple opportunities for sign-up, and provide for score boards
· All plans to be coordinated with the Head Golf Professional, staff, and club food manager
· The Head Golf Professional, and staff, will run the event. The Tournament Director and the Head Golf Professional will render all final decisions on rules, disputes, and weather-related decisions.
· All tournament plans will be submitted to the AGCMGA Committee for approval.
The Communications Director, with the input of Chairman and other Executive Committee members, shall be charged with communicating effectively to all AGCMGA members throughout the year.
These communications will occur primarily through email notifications and, in conjunction with the Head Golf Professional, notifications in the Club House.
Additionally, the Communications Director shall seek input and feedback from the AGCMGA members through discussions, surveys and other information-gathering methods as appropriate.
The Communications Director shall also have responsibility for the maintenance of the AGCMGA website (either directly or through an approved, assigned designee).
Surveys and Other Information Gathering and Dissemination
Maintain AGCMGA Website